This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication is the sole responsibility of the authors and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
Timber is and will in the foreseeable future remain the main natural resource utilized in the district. The total area of state forest fund land within the Porosozero and Suojärvi leskhozes is 1,352,000 ha* (over 99% of the district total area). The woodland area is 942,000 ha. Forested area is 909,000 ha (67%). Allowable annual cut is about 873,000 m3/year. Actual final harvests amount to 759,000 m3/year (87% of AAC). Additionally, another c. 92,000 m3/year is harvested in thinnings and selective salvage fellings. Timber resources are now utilized nearly to the full, and further increase in logging volumes would cause timber resources to be exhausted.
* Data for the year 2001
Substantial resources are spent on reforestation. Thus, reforestation activities are annually implemented in c. 3,500 ha, including seeding and planting in 1,400 ha (40 %). In the rest of the area measures are taken to support natural regeneration (partial soil mineralization, undergrowth maintenance, leaving of seed trees and tree clusters). Natural forest regeneration in the district is generally quite successful and the forested area does not decrease, but even shows some increase owing to reforestation of drained mires.
Fig. 1 Clear-felling in the Suojärvi District using Finnish logging machines